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entire part中文是什么意思

用"entire part"造句"entire part"怎么读"entire part" in a sentence


  • 整个部件


  • Automatically assigns cutting conditions to insure a clean cut throughout the entire part of sheet
  • Carbonitride entire part to . 015 / . 025effective case depth - slow cool . labcertify case depth
    整个碳氮的有效部分的深度为0 . 015 / 0 . 25缓慢冷却.实验室核实的深度labcertify零件的深度
  • She was surprised at the briefness of the entire part , not knowing that she must be on the stage while others were talking , and not only be there , but also keep herself in harmony with the dramatic movement of the scenes
用"entire part"造句  
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